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Photos Vilma Matulic, Stan Coenders, Click on Slider for full format

foto: vilma matulic

About Stari Grad Philosophy Days 2024

6 May 2024: We are looking back with gratitude at a very exciting week with incredible discourses and exchanges between scholars and students in philosophy, as well as on a beautiful concert in the church of the Dominikan Monastery, a recital in Sv. Jerolim, an evening with Kresimir Misak and great workshops for youngsters from Stari Grad and Split. The organization expresses her gratitude for all who contributed to this event that shows so much potential for Philosophy, Cultural heritage and for Stari Grad. See the photos under the header.

SanjeTV: Farski filozofski simpozij | dr. Ernest Ženko: Priroda vremena: ponovno razmatranje susreta Einstein

SanjeTV: Farski filozofski simpozij | dr. Petar Pavlović: Potreba za prevladavanjem koncepta vremena

About Pharos-Symposium:
Stari Grad na Hvaru otvara svoja vrata (poziv) za drugi Farski filozofski simpozij, koji će se održati od 30.04. do 03.05. kako bi istražio temu 2024. „Vrijeme i tok“. Potpuni trodnevni program događanja uključuje koncert Oskara Longyke, umjetničke izložbe Neli Ružić i Viktora Popovića, recital Igorab Pare i Zorana Kelave, filmske premijere, otkrivanje i degustaciju starogrčke kuhinje, predstavljanja knjiga, dječje radionice i dvodnevne rasprave s međunarodnim filozofima i akademicima. Sa zadovoljstvom ugošćujemo autora i novinara Krešimira Mišaka, poznatog po talk showu Na rubu znanosti. UNESCO-ov grad Stari Grad, najstariji grad u Hrvatskoj, idealan je za filozofsko istraživanje ‘Vremena i toka’. Njegove srednjovjekovne kamene ulice, koje vijugaju starogrčkim krajolikom,
naseljene su kontinuirano od 384. pr. Stari Grad je neksus vremena, njegova živopisna sadašnjost prožeta je poviješću prošlih života i civilizacija, a istovremeno ostaje otvorena za nova iskustva budućnosti. Događanja će se održati u Palači Biankini – Muzeju Starog Grada, Dvorcu Tvrdalj Petra Hektorovića, Dominikanskom samostanu sv. Petra, Arheološkom lokalitetu Pharos i Gradskoj njižnici i čitaonici Stari Grad. Svi ste dobrodošli!

Stari Grad will open its doors for the second annual Philosophy Days - Pharos Symposium, from April 30th to May 3rd, to explore the 2024 theme of ‘Time and Flux’. The full, three-day programme of events includes a concert of Oskar Longyka, art exhibitions of Neli Ružić and Viktor Popović, film premiers, a recital by Igor Paro and Zoran Kelava, a discovery and tasting of ancient Greek cookery, book presentations, children’s workshops and two-day discourses with international philosophers and academics. We are delighted to host a presentation by author and journalist Krešimir Mišak, well-known for his talk show Na rubu znanosti, ‘On the edge of science’. The UNESCO city of Stari Grad, the oldest city in Croatia, is well-suited for a philosophical exploration of ‘Time and Flux’. Its medieval stone streets, which wind across an ancient Greek landscape, have been inhabited continuously since 384 BC. Stari Grad is a nexus of Time, its vibrant present-time is thick with the history of past lives and civilisations whilst remaining open to new experiences of the future. The events will be held in the Biankini Palace - Museum of Stari Grad, Petar Hektorović’s Tvrdalj Castle, the Dominican Monastery of St Peter, The Pharos Archaeological Remete Garden and the Stari Grad Library - Čitaonica.


The theme for the 2024 edition:




"Alas! The days flow by like waves, never to return"

Stari Grad Philosophy Days invites philosophers to share their views on “Time and Flux” from scientific, metaphysical and/or existential perspectives in a brief abstract (~100 words). Deadline for sending abstracts is 29 February 2024.


The Philosophy Symposium in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar is conceived as an open gathering place, where philosophers, philosophy students and fellow travelers in the tradition of the Greek Socratic symposium share their ideas. The single guiding principle of the symposium is to freely reflect and critically engage with differing ideas.


Scholars and students across various fields are welcome to participate in the
2024 symposium, delving into discussions on Time and Flux. This four-day event is designed as an inclusive dialogue, spanning from the history of philosophy to the realms of theoretical physics, aiming to explore potential solutions to the pressing challenges faced by humanity and society today.


Thinking and articulating time and its passage today, after fundamental discoveries in physics (and especially after Einstein and his theory of relativity), is possible from several standpoints. Theoretical reflections on time are as indispensable in the latest research of theoretical physicists as the interpretations of "metaphysical time" by philosophers over the course of history. What is more, for humanity, certainly the most important aspect of time and temporality is "existential time" as a specific and essential form of human existence. Transience and irreversibility, the finality of "human time," is not only a philosophical question but also the most personal question in need of an answer.

“Time and Flux in Science, Philosophy and Culture,” will reflect philosophically on Time and Flux from various angles: the scientific, the metaphysical and "existential time" (as a specific and essential form within human existence), and include ideas about Time and Flux from other disciplines such as biology, geology, chemistry.


Today's UNESCO-protected Stari Grad and the Ager are founded by the Greeks from the Aegean island Páros as its colony of Pharos in 384 BC. Stari Grad, the oldest Croatian town with continued inhabitation since its founding in 384 BC, has ancient Greek roots and is Aristotle's peer. Time and Flux and the Biankini Palace, now museum and host of the 2nd Pharos Philosophy Symposium, are organically intertwined with Stari Grad. Petar Hektorović's compassion for the irreversibility of time is written in stone in his Renaissance Tvrdalj Castle: Heu fugiunt fluxu non redeunte dies, ‘Alas! The days flow by like waves, never to return’.

The organization of Pharos Philosophy Symposium

TIME and FLUX - About the Philosophy Discourses: 

30 philosophers presented in 5 discourses visions, questions and answers related to the complex topic of Time and Flux from very different viewpoints. The leading contributions are listed in the program. These discourses allow a small number of visitors. 

Participants and contributions to the discourses:

Aldo Čavić; Ana Beguš (Koper); Anabela Zrnić (Banja Luka); Andrea Udovc (Ljubljana); Andrej Detela (Ljubljana); Dragan Novkovic (Belgrade); Ernest Ženko; Ekatarina Aristova (Montenegro);  Laura Vrabec (Križevci); Lucija Lena (Zadar); Martin Karaban (Zadar); Miloslav Gudovic ; Nada Vodušek; Natalija Medojević (Banja Luka); Nemanja Tubonjić (Banja Luka); Oskar Longyka; Petar Pavlović (Križevci): Rok Zavrtanik (Ljubljana); Želko Šarić; 

With cooperation on many levels and support from: 

House of Dreaming Books - Knjigarna Sanje, Sanje Publishers - Ljubljana: Rok Zavrtanik and Andrea Udovc - " ... I wish that these three questions find a place ... "

Bojan Brecelj and Rebeka for photographs and recordings.

Times and Venues:
(workshop pinhole camera'

30 April, 10.00 - Muzej Staroga Grada, (workshop pinhole camera) / Radionica „Camere Obscure“ u Muzeju Staroga Grada Voditelj radionice Ernest Ženko, Vilma Matulić. > pročitajte više

30 April, 19.00 - Otvaranje simpozija (opening of the Philosophy Days Symposium) / Vrt palače Biankini - Muzej Staroga Grada, uz prezentaciju Grčke hrane u Starogradskom polju, by Andrej Petrić and Viktorija Ćolić - Srednja škola Hvar in Jelsa

Opening Philosophy Days Symposium

With presentation Ancient Greek Food

Andrej Petrić and Viktorija Ćolić - Srednja škola Hvar in Jelsa, 

30 April, 20.00 - Muzej Staroga Grada - galerija Juraj Plančić

Otvaranje izložbe „ Svi trenutci odjednom“ Neli Ružić i Vitor Popović

Vernissage exhibition 'All Moments at the same Time'
Neli Ružić and Viktor Popović, kustos izložbe Jadranka Ryle
30. travnja — 18. svibnja 2024

1 May 11.00 - Library

Jedna Mladost / One Youth, Michael Freer; Young people in Philosophy: Exploring "Time and Flux"







1 MayFilozofske rasprave / vrt palače Biankini
Ernest Ženko: Priroda vremena: ponovno razmatranje susreta Einstein-Bergson 
> pročitajte više... one of the greatest intellectual events of the 20th century - an encounter between Albert Einstein and French philosopher Henri Bergson ..." > read more

1 May: Filozofske rasprave / Philosophy discourse / Stari Grad Museum / vrt palače Biankini
Petar Pavlović: Potreba za prevladavanjem koncepta vremena > pročitajte više

Petar Pavlovic - The need to overcome the concept of time > read more

Andrej Detela: Koncept sintropije > pročitajte više

Andrej Detela - " ... Syntropic perception of time ... " > read more


1 May: Premijera dokumentarnog filma / Premiere Documentary

'Srinja kola 2024'

1 May: Dominikanska crkva / Dominikan Church sv. Petra

Koncert klasične glazbe Oskar Longyka, Olivia Høilund-Carlsen Ruud, Izak Hudnik

Violin, Cello > pročitajte više  Concert: Oskar Longyka, Olivia Høilund-Carlsen Ruud, Izak Hudnik; Violin, Cello > read more

2 May, 10.00 - 13.00:

Filozofske rasprave / u Tvrdalju - Philosophy discourse, Hektorovic garden
Uvodno izlaganje: Milosav Gudović NADA I VRIJEME: Personalistička perspektiva > pročitajte više / Philosophy discourse, Hektorovic garden > read more

2 May:

14.00: Uvodno izlaganje:
Željko Šarić: Charles Darwin i koncept dubokog vremena 
(za filozofe) > pročitajte više
Sanja Lovrenčić: Vrijeme u vizualnim umjetnostima (za filozofe) > pročitajte više

Željko Šarić - Charles Darwin i koncept dubokog vremena. > read more

Sanja Lovrenčić -Time in Visual Arts. About the importance of the element of time in visual arts > read more

2 May:

19:30 Galerija sv. Jerolim: koncert renesansne glazbe / performas Zoran Kelava & amp; Igor Paro: „Marko Marulić – Protiv današnjeg doba“

19.30 Recital Lutenist Paro & actor Kelava  "Marko Marulić - Against today's times" 

(open for public)

3 May: 

15:00 Organizirana tura po gradu uz vodiča (Tvrdalj) / Organized tour around the city with a guide (Tvrdalj)

16:30 Predstavljanje knjige U polju (autori Bojan Brecelj, Marko Pogačnik,
Aldo Čavić) / 
Presentation 'Three men in the field', by Aldo Cavic, Bojan Brecelj, Marko Pogacnik

17:00 Zatvaranje simpozija na arheološkom lokalitetu Faros  (za filozofe) / Closing of the Stari Grad Philosophy Days 2024

4 May:

19.00: vrt palače Biankini / Stari Grad Museum

Predavanje Krešimir Mišak- Može li se putovati kroz vrijeme? / Performance Krešimir Mišak: " ... Can we travel through Time? ... " > pročitajte više (video editing u pripremi)

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Organization 2025

Stari Grad Philosophy Days started in 2023 as an idea from Aldo Cavic and Stan Coenders in close cooperation with Vilma Matulic, Stari Grad Museum and Stjepka Domančić, Stari Grad Library, Jadra Rile, Wendy Gibbons.



Muzej Staroga Grada, - Vilma Matulić, Marko Matković

Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Stari Grad - Stjepka Domančić, Jelena Gracin

Založba Sanje www.sanje.siRok Zavrtanik, Andreja Udovč


Organizational board:

Philosophy: Aldo Cavic, Stan Coenders

Parallel events: Musej Stroga Grada, Knjižnica Stari Grad, Sanje Publishers



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