28.4 - 1.5 2025
Pharos Dane Filozofije
Stari Grad Philosophy Days
foto: vilma matulic
"Nasuprot Zlu"
"The Opposite of Evil"

photos Vilma Matulic, Stan Coenders, click image
How to participate
Engaged (also formerly) professionally or as student you can apply as speaker, as visitor in the discourse, as student in the discourse. We have maximum of 30 places available.
Applying as speaker includes that you will initiate a discourse.
Students who attended previous editions will not receive automatically an invitation, but will be informed by their professors, and have to apply separately.
Other participants can apply as audience listening from aside to the discourse.
Please write in your application how you would like to apply, as speaker, visitor or student within the discourse; or as a visitor listening to the discourse.
If you apply as speaker, visitor in the discourse, or as student, we ask to submit the following as soon as possible:
- A good photo from you for the website / updated personal profile in websites and references etc. / updated links in the internet where you want visitors to find you first of all
- A short abstract of about 100 words about your view on the topic to inform other participants / three questions for students to prepare themselves for the dialogue with you 7 links to reliable sources which you recommend for the students to prepare themselves
This information will be published in the website, and also (in combination with additional texts and material from discourse and other parts of the program) may be used in planned publications.
Studenti / Students:
Što ovaj trodnevni događaj toliko razlikuje od drugih simpozija? Svaka rasprava na Simpozijumu filozofije Pharos vodit će filozof koji će predstaviti svoju temu, pogledajte početnu stranicu, nakon čega će uslijediti otvoreni dijalog. Tri pitanja koja su priložena svakom sažetku pomažu polaznicima da se pripreme za govor. Navedene su poveznice na pouzdane izvore. Prije dolaska na Simpozij o filozofiji Pharosa, od sudionika se traži da se dobro pripreme za raspravu kako bi se osigurala veća interakcija i viša razina govora. Ako student želi da prisustvo na Pharos Simpoziju Filozofije službeni dio obrazovnog programa, molimo vas da nam javite. Primjena: Vidi također gore.
What makes this three day event so different form other symposia?
Each of the discourses at the Pharos Philosophy Symposium will be led by a presenting philosopher who will present their topic, see homepage, followed by open dialogue. The three questions provided with each abstract are the means for participants to prepare for the discourse. Links to reliable sources are provided. Before arrival at the Pharos Philosophy Symposium, participants are requested to prepare well for the discourses to ensure greater interaction and a higher level of discourse.
If a student wishes to use the attendance to the Pharos Philosophy Symposium in a formal way for the educational program, please inform us.
Application: See above.
Volonteri su dobrodošli / Volunteers welcome
Stvaranje Simpozijuma filozofije Pharosa kao godišnjeg ili dvogodišnjeg događaja s posebnim ciljem poticanja otvorenog dijaloga između vizionara je puno posla, pogotovo s tako raznovrsnim programom. Jeste li zainteresirani za volontiranje i uživanje u vrlo zanimljivim razgovorima u otvorenom neformalnom okruženju? Javite nam ako želite koristiti iskustvo za svoj nastavni program!
Creating the Pharos Philosophy Symposium as an annual or biannual event with the specific goal of fostering open dialogue among visionaries is a lot of work, especially with such a diverse program. Are you interested in volunteering and enjoying some very interesting conversations in an open, informal setting? Let us know if you want to use the experience for your curriculum!
Information&questions, stancoenders@gmail.com
Practical Information
Arrivals: Tuesday 28 April 2025 at 17.00
For ferry times from Split and Drvenik: Jadrolinija
More information about accommodation will follow soon.
Musej Staroga Grada, Biankini Palace
The main location for all events is the museum and its secluded garden in Stari Grad

The garden of Tvurdalj is one of the locations for the discourses

This archeology site outside Stari Grad has served as location for the discourse on 1 May 2023