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Ernest Zenko (Koper, Slo
Workshop Camera Obscura / Pinhole Camera
Radionica za djecu od 9 do 12 godina (na hrvatskom jeziku)
Repeated because of the enthusiasm in 2023
Monday 29 April or Tuesday 30 April 2024

placing a pinhole camera.jpg

"The photograph depicts a captivating moment captured during the Philosophy Symposium in Stari Grad (Faros) on Hvar island, Croatia. This particular session took place within the picturesque Tvrdalj Castle, offering a stunning backdrop for intellectual discourse.

The camera used to capture this image was a homemade pinhole camera crafted from a coffee tin can, utilizing a pinhole with a diameter of 0.5 mm and an aperture setting of f/170. The photographic medium employed was Tetenal Vario paper, developed with the Ilford developer."

Copyright 2023 Ernest Ženko All rights reserved

This workshop for children includes:

- A short introduction about the history of this type of projection as a help for painters
- A short introduction of the historical development of camera obscura
- Showing of tin can pinhole cameras and pinhole photos
- Experiencing camera obscura

- Making a pinhole camera and learning about how to use it. (bring 2 aluminium, 1/2 liter lemonade or beercans)

One museum room will act as a huge camera obscura: we darkened one exhibition space in the Biankini. It will take time to get the eyes used to the darkness and to see the image come up. Amazing experience. 


„Camera obscura“ u Muzeju Staroga Grada


Radionica za djecu od 9 do 12 godina

This workshop for children, age 9-12, of cca 1.5 hours provides understanding and making of a modern art medium, a camera obscura, in a historical context, related to the theme of the Pharos Philosophy Symposium.


Camera obscura je latinski izraz koji znači; tamna komora. To je optički uređaj koji su stoljećima koristili umjetnici i znanstvenici za proučavanje optike i perspektive.

Camera obscura može biti zamračena soba ili kutija s malom rupom ili lećom na jednoj strani koja omogućuje ulazak svjetlosti i projiciranje obrnutu sliku vanjskog svijeta na površinu unutar sobe (ili kutije).

Čak i danas fotografi i umjetnici i dalje koriste cameru obscuru za stvaranje slika i istraživanje fascinantnih svojstava svjetla i perspektive. Zapravo ovaj koncept je prilagođen modernim fotoaparatima koji koriste leće i druge mehanizme za elektroničko snimanje i obradu slika.

Jedan od najupečatljivijih dojmova camere obscure je polagano nastajanje projicirane slike dok se naše oči privikavaju na tamu. Kad su vrata i prozori zatvoreni, a soba je gotovo potpuno lišena svjetla projicirana slika postupno postaje vidljiva što rezultira magičnim i zadivljujućim inspirativnim iskustvom.

Pinhole kamera je vrsta kamere koja radi na istom principu kao camera obscura, ali umjesto leće, koristi mali otvor blende ili rupicu za stvaranje slike. Rupica omogućava svjetlosti da uđe u spremnik ili kutiju i projicira obrnutu sliku na komad filma postavljen na suprotnom kraju kutije (spremnika). Slike koje proizvode pinhole kamere imaju jedinstvenu, meku i kvalitetnu izradu. Ona je popularan kreativni alat za fotografe koji žele eksperimentirati s različitim



Camera Obscura, a Latin term, meaning dark chamber, is an optical device that has been used for centuries by artists and scientists to study optics and perspective. This intriguing device consists of a darkened room or box with a small hole or lens on one side that allows light to enter and project an inverted image of the outside world onto a surface inside the room. Even today, camera obscura continues to be used by photographers and artists to create images and explore the fascinating properties of light and perspective. A pinhole camera is a type of camera that works on the same principle as a camera obscura, but instead of using a lens, it uses a small aperture or pinhole to create an image. One of the most striking aspects of the camera obscura experience is the slow emergence of the projected image as our eyes adjust to the darkness. 

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