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2024 Pharos Philosophy Days
Vrijeme i Tok u Filozofiji, Kulturi, i Znanosti
TIME and FLUX in Philosophy Science and Culture
foto: vilma matulic
photos Vilma Matulic, Stan Coenders, click image
Rok Zavrtanik
" In my thought one of the most fundamental questions of our time are:
– what are the critical pre-conditions/presumptions of the »morals« of universal shizophrenia that we faces as humanity today?
– how does our understanding of the »matter« and »energy« (etc) resonate through our daily thought and emotional paterns?
– and above all, what are the true fundamentals of the principles of ethics and thought?
I wish some of those questions will find a shelter, and, hopefully, also a home, in an inspiring enviroment of Hvar island."
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