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Rok Zavrtanik

" In my thought one of the most fundamental questions of our time are:

– what are  the critical pre-conditions/presumptions of the »morals« of universal shizophrenia that we faces as humanity today?

– how does our understanding of the »matter« and »energy« (etc) resonate through our daily thought and emotional paterns?

– and above all, what are the true fundamentals of the principles of ethics and thought?

I wish some of those questions will find a shelter, and, hopefully, also a home, in an inspiring enviroment of Hvar island."

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Organization 2025

Stari Grad Philosophy Days started in 2023 as an idea from Aldo Cavic and Stan Coenders in close cooperation with Vilma Matulic, Stari Grad Museum and Stjepka Domančić, Stari Grad Library, Jadra Rile, Wendy Gibbons.



Muzej Staroga Grada, - Vilma Matulić, Marko Matković

Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Stari Grad - Stjepka Domančić, Jelena Gracin

Založba Sanje www.sanje.siRok Zavrtanik, Andreja Udovč


Organizational board:

Philosophy: Aldo Cavic, Stan Coenders

Parallel events: Musej Stroga Grada, Knjižnica Stari Grad, Sanje Publishers



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