28.4 - 1.5 2025 Pharos Philosophy Days
Nasuprot zlu - The Opposite of Evil
bez korištenja izraza Zlo kao reference
without using expressions of Evil as reference
foto: vilma matulic
photos Vilma Matulic, Stan Coenders, click image
Hrvoje Jurić (Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1975) is a professor at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, where he teaches ethics and bioethics. He is active in various scientific, cultural and social institutions, organizations and initiatives. In addition to numerous scientific, professional, journalistic, essayistic and poetic texts in various publications, he published five scientific monographs, five edited books and five poetry books, as well as a high school philosophy textbook.
The presentation will focus on the concept of utopia and the fate of utopian ideas from the 19th century to the present day, i.e. on social and political action and projects that were inspired by utopian thinking, including those that turned into dystopias. We will focus especially on the intellectual tradition of anarchism and Marxism, from Mikhail Bakunin, William Morris and Karl Marx, through Christian anarchists, Ernst Bloch and praxis-philosophy, to contemporary authors of these orientations. In conclusion, we will discuss the question of the possibility of utopian thinking and action today, in global society that disturbingly resembles the dystopias we know from the literary works of Franz Kafka, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.
Three questions for dialogue
What does the concept of utopia imply and what understandings of utopia exist(ed) in the past and today?
What characterizes realized social-political projects that were guided by utopian ideas – in a positive and negative sense?
What is the future of utopian thinking and action – what sustains and encourages it, and what obstructs it and makes it impossible?
Suggested readings
Bloch, Ernst (2000): The Spirit of Utopia. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Bosanac, Gordana (2005): Utopija i inauguralni paradoks: prilog filozofsko-političkoj raspravi. Zagreb: KruZak.
Jacoby, Russell (1999): The End of Utopia: Politics and Culture in an Age of Apathy. New York: Basic Books.
Ellul, Jacques (2011): Anarchy and Christianity. Eugene: Wipf & Stock.
Gelderloos, Peter (2013): Anarchy Works: Examples of Anarchist Ideas in Practice. Ardent Press.
Jurić, Hrvoje (2018): Iskušenja humanizma. Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo (poglavlje „Misliti i djelovati utopijski“).
Mannheim, Karl (1991): Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge, London: Routledge (chapter „Ideology and Utopia“).
Maskalan, Ana (2015): Budućnost žene: filozofska rasprava o utopiji i feminizmu. Zagreb: Plejada; Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu.
Praxis (journal): Praxis – international edition, 8 (1972) 3–4 (topic „Anarchy, Future, Revolution“)
Šimleša, Dražen (2006): Četvrti svjetski rat: globalni napad na život / Drugačiji svijet je moguć!: priče iz našeg dvorišta. Zagreb: Što čitaš?
Wright, Erik Olin (2010): Envisioning Real Utopias. London: Verso.