28.4 - 1.5 2025
Pharos Dane Filozofije
Stari Grad Philosophy Days
foto: vilma matulic
"Nasuprot Zlu"
"Opposite Evil"
photos Vilma Matulic, Stan Coenders, click image
Saturday 29 April,
palače Biankini (Muzej Staroga Grada)
20.00 Exhibition 'Nihil Occultum' - Vilma Matulić
Izložba fotografija Vilma Matulić “Nihil Ocultum” ništa nije skriveno
Camera obscura u Tvrdalju
See also: https://www.revelinhvar.com/camera-obscura
Photography exhibition “Nihil Occultum: Nothing is Hidden” –
Camera obscura at the Tvrdalj - Exhibition venue, Jurej Plančić gallery, Stari Grad Museum - 28 April until 18 May
Stari Grad na otoku Hvaru otkrio je još jednu od svojih tajni, nesvakidašnjim pronalaskom camere
obscure u Tvrdalju. U Revelinu, unutar dvorcaTvrdalj, osvanulo je osam camera obscura slika. Ovo su slike
ljepote koja oduzima dah, a pojavljuju se kroz prirodne otvore oko zatvorenih škura. Kolekcija fotografija
iz 2022. godine, ‘Nihil Occultum: Ništa nije skriveno’, starogradske fotografkinje Vilme Matulić bilježi
zamračene interijere Revelina skrivene iza živopisnih projekcija camere obscure.
Stari Grad on the Island of Hvar yields more of its secrets, with the extraordinary discovery of camera obscura at the Tvrdalj Castle. At Revelin, inside the Tvrdalj Castle, eight camera obscura images have appeared. These images are of breath-taking beauty, appearing through natural openings around closed shutters. The 2022 photographic collection, ‘Nihil Occultum: Nothing is Hidden’, by Stari Grad photographer Vilma Matulić captures Revelin’s darkened interiors hidden behind the vivid camera obscura projections.
The dreamlike compositions in Vilma Matulić’s Nihil Occultum collection are filtered through inverted and reversed visions of the Tvrdalj, with the sun, passing clouds and dancing leaves.The ethereal photographs were taken in the dark, yet Vilma Matulić’s camera picks out Revelin’s tranquil interiors with their patterns and rich textures.The camera obscura touches the compositions with a soft glaze of intense colour, of which the remarkable blue, a pure ultramarine, catches the imagination. Symbolising holiness and humility,ultramarine was once the most precious of all pigments and was used only for heavenly skies and the Virgin’s robes. The Nihil Occultum collection presents the wonder of blue in its extensive and humbling role in reality, ascamera obscura, or ‘dark chamber’, is reality, confirming that the world is not always what we believe we see. After all, human vision is camera obscura, with the image of what we ‘see’ unconsciously flipped by the brain.