28.4 - 1.5 2025
Pharos Dane Filozofije
Stari Grad Philosophy Days
foto: vilma matulic
"Nasuprot Zlu"
"Opposite Evil"
photos Vilma Matulic, Stan Coenders, click image
Saturday 29 April, 10 – 13 h prvi blok diskusija
vrt palače Biankini (Muzej Staroga Grada)
Hrvoje Jurić
Hrvoje Jurić (Bihać, Bosna i Hercegovina, 1975.) profesor je na Odsjeku za filozofiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, gdje predaje etiku i bioetiku. Aktivan je u raznim znanstvenim, kulturnim i društvenim institucijama, organizacijama i inicijativama. Uz brojne znanstvene, stručne, publicističke, esejističke i poetske tekstove u različitim publikacijama, objavio je pet znanstvenih autorskih knjiga, pet uredničkih knjiga te pet pjesničkih knjiga, kao i gimnazijski udžbenik filozofije.
U izlaganju će biti riječi o pojmu utopije te o sudbini utopijskih ideja od 19. stoljeća do danas, odnosno o socijalno-političkom djelovanju i projektima koji su bili inspirirani utopijskim mišljenjem, uključujući i one koji su se izvrgnuli u distopije. Pritom ćemo se posebno fokusirati na misaonu tradiciju anarhizma i marksizma, od Mihaila Bakunjina, Williama Morrisa i Karla Marxa, preko kršćanskih anarhista, Ernsta Blocha i praxis-filozofije, do suvremenih autora i autorica tih orijentacija. Zaključno ćemo razmatrati pitanje o mogućnosti utopijskog mišljenja i djelovanja danas, u globalnom društvu koje uznemirujuće podsjeća na distopije koje poznajemo iz književnih djela Franza Kafke, Jevgenija Zamjatina, Aldousa Huxleyja i Georgea Orwella.
Tri pitanja za dijalog:
1. Što sve podrazumijeva pojam utopije i kakva shvaćanja utopije postoje u prošlosti i danas?
2. Što karakterizira realizirane socijalno-političke projekte koji su nastali vođeni utopijskim idejama – u pozitivnom i u negativnom smislu?
3. Kakva je budućnost utopijskog mišljenja i djelovanja – što ga održava i potiče, a što opstruira i onemogućuje?
Hrvoje Jurić (Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1975) is a professor at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, where he teaches ethics and bioethics. He is .... > read more
The presentation will focus on the concept of utopia and the fate of utopian ideas from the 19th century to the present day, i.e. on social and political action and projects that were inspired by utopian thinking, including those that turned into dystopias. We will focus especially on the intellectual tradition of anarchism and ... > read more
Saturday 29 April, 14.00 - 18.00 h diskusija
palače Biankini (Muzej Staroga Grada)
Program to be decided
Sunday 30 April, 10 – 13 h prvi blok diskusija
vrt palače Biankini (Muzej Staroga Grada)
Aldo Čavić, Karl Popper's Anti-utopianism
Wendy Gibbons
Petar Hektorović’s Tvrdalj is a contemporary of humanist Sir Thomas More’s Utopia, having celebrated its 500th anniversary in 2020. Nihil Occultum: camera obscura and riddles at Hektorović’s Tvrdalj Castle (2023) reveals Hektorović as a humanist who created the Tvrdalj not just as a fortress, a refuge and his home, but as a setting for philosophical dialogue. Could this dialogue have its foundations in Plato? This is an opportunity to engage in situ with some of Hektorović’s ‘twenty if not more’ (Fishing: 1172) enigmatic inscriptions. If they are a ‘meditation on death’ what purpose could this serve for a renaissance utopia?
Ideas to think about beforehand:
1. According to John Sellars (2020), the humanist poet Petrarch proposed, instead of Aristotle’s theoretical approach to philosophy, a more practical approach focused on self-transformation. What value is there in Petrarch’s statement, “The true moral philosophers and valuable teachers of virtues are those whose first and last purpose is to make their students and readers good”?
2. What symbols are hidden in Hans Holbein the Younger’s (1533) The Ambassadors?
3. For what reasons do you think Hans Holbein the Younger’s brother, Ambrosius Holbein, design his map of Utopia (in the 1518 edition) as a disguised skull?
Aldo Čavić
Dr., Philosophy, Director of Stari Grad Museum
Antiutopizam Karla Poppera
Karl Popper's Anti-utopianism
Austrijski filozof Karl Popper, tražeći korijene totalitarizama kojima je svjedočio sredinom XX. stoljeća, postavio je tezu da se kroz cijelu povijest filozofije, kod raznih mislilaca od Platona do Marxa, provlači ideja historicizma – ideja da je moguće otkriti “zakone”, “trendove”, “obrasce” društvenog razvoja, “povijesnu nužnost” i sukladno njima “predvidjeti budućnost” odnosno ponuditi modele za transformaciju društva. Historicizmu su bliski i razni utopijski projekti. “Holistički” ili “utopijski inžinjering” podrazumijeva preoblikovanje cjeline društva u skladu s određenim planom ili nacrtom, a koji uključuje ne samo transformaciju društva nego i čovjeka (“novi čovjek”). Njemu Popper suprotstavlja “postupni društveni inžinjerin”, kao oblik kritičkog racionalizma (“intelektualne skromnosti”, “znam koliko malo znam”), iz kojeg proizlazi jedino mogućnost malenih prilagodbi i preuređivanja društvenih struktura koje se mogu kontinuirano usavršavati.
Tri pitanja:
1. Da li je zaista u korijenu svakog utopijskog projekta tendencija totalne društvene promjene?
2. Da li je ostvarenje utopijskog projekta uopće moguće bez revolucije?
3. Hoće li sloboda umeti da peva kao što su sužnji pevali o njoj? (Branko Miljković)
Ernest Ženko
professor, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenija
Utopia and Art
Today, we generally place utopian thinking in the context of philosophy, but we must not neglect the role that art and literature have played in this regard. Utopia is, on the one hand, primarily a literary theme, perhaps even a genre, that in the 20th century could also be associated with film. On the other hand, questions about the (best) society and the new human being are strongly present in modernist architectural projects as well as in avant-garde movements, which are characterized by the integration of art and (revolutionary) politics. Utopian aspirations can only be expressed by autonomous art, so any connection with existing political orientations leads to the acceptance of reality and the status quo.
1) Philosophers from Plato to modern times have had certain expectations of art and have placed demands on what it should do. Is the demand for the creation of utopia consistent with the autonomy of art?
2) If we understand art as an activity that has no function (Th. W. Adorno), the question arises of how it can participate in the political project of utopia?
3) Does contemporary art, in which there is no longer a distinction between elite and popular culture after postmodernism, still have utopian potential at all?
Sunday 30 April, 14 - 18.00 h diskusija
vrt palače Biankini (Muzej Staroga Grada)
Program to be decided
Nada Vodušek > read more, abstract and priming questions
Nada Vodušek je autorica i voditeljica radijskih emisija, glasovna interpetatorka literature, kazališna performerka i moderatorica razgovora o različitim društvenim temama i pitanjima. Medijskim radom počela se baviti tijekom studija filozofije i komparativne književnosti, kao radijska voditeljica, DJ-ica i urednica na studentskom Radiu Študent.
glejte tudi: https://sanje.tv/index.html
Nada Vodušek is an author and host of radio shows, voice interpreter, theater performer and moderator of conversations on various social topics and issues. She started working in the media while studying philosophy and comparative literature, as a radio presenter, DJ and editor at Radio Študent.
See also: https://sanje.tv/index.html
Starting points for conversation > read abstract:
1. Why is it necessary to read old works, to understand the past, if we want to understand the present and dream of the future?
2. When a child was still a child – innocence and guilt in the metauniverse.
3. Silencing or censorship, changing works of art in the light of the modern “cancel culture”. Dystopia at work?
Gorazd Kocijančič read more ...
Gorazd Kocijančič is freelance philosopher, poet and translator. In his book Mediations (1996; Serbian translation by P. Rak 1998, Russian translation P. Kuznecov 2008 (Aletheia, Sankt Peterburg), Italian translation A. Albassini 2009) he expressed his understanding of a contemporary Christian philosophy stemming from the idea of a radical apophatic thought. Kocijančič won for his work various awards, among them Rožanc price (2004) for the best essays, Sovre price (2005) for translation and Prešeren Fund award for poetry (2013).
Utopia in the horizon of the hypostatic ontology
"In my paper I will try to situate the topic of utopia within the framework of my own philosophical system of hypostatic thought. This system is characterised by a complete subversion of the usual ontological categories and notions that accompany our everyday understanding of reality. In the field of social reflection, this subversion crystallises in the paradox character of "conservative anarchism". Utopia, in this horizon, is no longer that which has no topos of its own in the ordinary assumed reality, but becomes an intimate rupture of the (always) only being in relation to the apophatically understood nothingness from which being arises and towards which it travels. Anarchic thinking is cautious, escapist, fleeing from grand gestures and movements, from all situations where one pledges oneself to a certain common project, but in so doing can inflict injustice or pain to a concrete human being. Conservative anarchism consciously chooses the sin of omission. It does not meddle in activities that could bring much good, but also much bad. It moves in spaces where wounds are possible but not fatal for thousands: in the micro-spaces of life, in the dynamics of interpersonal relations, interactions, temporary contracts and permanent commitments, free from all levers of power and coercion."
1. What does the negation in the term ou-topia actually deny viz. what meaning does this negation give to the (imaginatively) denied place (topos)?
2. What is the relationship between being and place - and their multiple possible interpretations?
3. What is the relationship between the negation in the term ou-topia and absolute nothingness?
Željko Šarić
mr Željko Šarić
viši asistent / Senior Teaching Assistant
Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Filozofski fakultet / University of Banja Luka Faculty of Philosophy
Utopija, distopija i ljudska priroda
Distopija pojam, koji označava najgore moguće mjesto, a nastao kao antonim riječi utopija, u zadnjih 40-ak godina snažno prožima popularnu kulturu otjelotvorenu u filmovima, serijama, književnosti i video igrama. Ako utopiju shvatimo u Mannheimovskom obzoru kao transcenderiranje realnog svijeta ka boljem, humanijem i pravednijem poretku, ali sa ozbiljnom nakanom da je ta transcendencija put ka promjeni postojećeg poretka, onda primjećujemo deflaciju takvih ideja. S druge strane, inflacija postapokaliptičnih prikaza budućnosti nas navodi da postavimo pitanje zbog čega je to tako? Da bi razumjeli društvo potrebno je da razumijemo elemente od kojih je sačinjeno, znači potrebno je da razumijemo čovjeka, odnosno, evoluiranu ljudsku prirodu (Swirski). Rasprostiranje distopijskih vizija ljudske zajednice evidentira činjenicu da je Hobbesovsko viđenje čovjeka kao pohlepnog, egoističnog i nasilnog prevagnulo nad Rousseauovskom idejom o čovjeku kao izvorno dobrim. Znači li to da su distopijske prognoze mračne i pogibeljne budućnosti objektivan prikaz svijeta kojem hodimo? Trebamo li posegnuti za Jonasovom heuristikom straha kako bi nam distopijski prikazi bili orijentir u našem djelovanju, tj. motiv da izbjegnemo budućnost koje se plašimo?
Josip Guć
Josip Guć, professor, Fakultet humanističkih i društvenih znanosti, Sveučilište u Splitu
Utopija i bioetika
Čini se da živimo u dobu kada je utopija najpotrebnija, a na obzoru je najmanje ima. Najpotrebnija je zato što nekritičkim prihvaćanjem postojećeg društveno-ekonomskog okvira kao jedinih mogućih ostavljamo svaku nadu u borbi za zaustavljanje ekološke katastrofe. Osim zagađenog okoliša i klimatskih promjena, sve očitija posljedica ekološke nebrige su i nove bolesti. No ovima je ponajviše uzrok način na koji se čovjek odnosi prema životinjama i kako tretira njihova staništa, a ove je nemoguće izbjeći u razuzdanoj tržišnoj borbi na život i smrt. Bioetička misao nije samo dužna u obzir proširiti raspon bića koja zaslužuju moralni obzir (živa bića), nego i produbiti dimenzije odgovornosti u pogledu našeg sudjelovanja (participativna odgovornost) u procesima koji osujećuju samoostvarivanje živih bića. Upravo u tom smislu ona treba biti utopijska.
Utopia and Bioethics
It seems that we live in an age when utopia is most needed, and there is the least of it on the horizon. It is most necessary because by uncritically accepting the existing socio-economic framework as the only possible one, we abandon all hope of stopping the ecological disaster. In addition to the polluted environment and climate change, new diseases are an increasingly obvious consequence of environmental neglect. But these are mostly caused by the way humans treat animals and how they treat their habitats, and these are impossible to avoid in the rampant market struggle for life and death. Bioethical thought is not only obliged to expand the range of beings that deserve moral consideration (living beings) but also to deepen the dimensions of responsibility regarding our participation (participatory responsibility) in processes that thwart the self-realization of living beings. It is precisely in this sense that it should be utopian.
1) Is utopia a structural or personal issue?
2) Should school children be the utopian factor concerning environmental issues?
3) Can we truly face environmental and animal ethics issues in a non-utopian way (in the framework of the existing socio-economic system)?
1) Je li utopija strukturalni ili osobni problem?
2) Trebaju li školska djeca biti utopijski faktor po pitanju okolišnih problems?
3) Možemo li se zaista suočiti s problemima etike okoliša i životinja na ne-utopijski način (u okviru postojećeg društveno-ekonomskog sistema)?
Karel Gržan - video
“Vrijeme u kojem živimo postavlja pred nas zadatak, kako domišljato ostvariti novi svijet suživota sa svim živim bićima.
Da bi proces novog načina osmišljavanja života bio uspješan, najprije je potrebno probuditi se i suočiti se sa autoritetima , kojima smo dobrovoljno predali slobodu svoje misli. Samo po sebi razumljivo je postalo, da drugi misle umjesto nas, a da mi samo pravilno ponavljamo/djelujemo, unatoč tome što je to pogubno za civilizaciju.
Neizbježno i nužno se moramo probuditi iz hipnotičkog stanja i početi se služiti svojom GLAVOM, koju moramo oplemeniti srdačnošću.
U svojem prilogu ću pokušati osvijetliti manipulativne obrazce ponašanja , preko kojih su nas otuđili od vlastitog kreativnog razmišljanja. Osvijetlit ću i protekle prakse i pokazati , kako, kao pojedinci, možemo misliti svojom glavom, međusobno se dopunjavajući tako, da jedan drugome osvjetljavamo puteve, najdragocjenije za dobrobit plemenite ljudskosti.”
Karel Gržan
“The time in which we live sets before us the task of ingeniously achieving a new world of coexistence with all living beings. In order for the process of a new way of designing life to be successful, it is first necessary to wake up and face the authorities, to whom we have voluntarily surrendered the freedom of our thought. In itself, it has become understandable, that others think for us, and that we only properly repeat/act, despite it being pernicious to civilization. Inevitably and necessarily we must awaken from the hypnotic state and begin to use our HEAD, which we must refine with cordiality. In my attachment I will try to illuminate the manipulative patterns of behavior, through which they have alienated us from our own creative thinking. I will also illuminate past practices and show how, as individuals, we can think for ourselves, complementing each other by illuminating each other's paths, most precious for the benefit of noble humanity.”
Karel Gržan
With contributions from:
Bruno Ćurko
Fakultet humanističkih i društvenih znanosti, Sveučilište u Splitu
Bruno Ćurko, Professor
See also: Udruga Mala filozofija, www.petit-philosophy.com
Rok Zavratnik, Publishing House Sanje, Ljubljana
Contributing via the website
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
See also: Filozofska fantastika: mišljenje utopijskih ...