2024 Pharos Philosophy Days
Vrijeme i Tok u Filozofiji, Kulturi, i Znanosti
TIME and FLUX in Philosophy Science and Culture
foto: vilma matulic
photos Vilma Matulic, Stan Coenders, click image
Prisustvovanje diskursu i popratnim događajima je besplatno za najviše 30 studenata koji se moraju prijaviti i pripremiti za diskurs
Attendance to the discourse and side events is free of charge for a
maximum of 30 students who have to register and prepare for the discourse
included: discourse program, side events program, coffee and kroasan, gifts, meal vouchers
Obavjest za studente Studenti koji žele sudjelovati u otvorenom dijalogu s prisutnim filozofima mogu se prijaviti e-poštom na adresu Vilma Matulić (vilma@msg.hr) Muzej Staroga Grada nakon čega će detalji biti vraćeni.
Ovi studenti će dobiti vaučere za restorane, informacije o Starom Gradu, besplatne publikacije Muzeja Stari Grad.
Od ovih studenata se traži da se pripreme:
Javite nam ako želite koristiti iskustvo za svoj kurikulum!
Svaki će filozof predstaviti temu, predstavljenu u sažetcima u nastavku, zajedno s tri pitanja kao fokus za dijalog. Za sudjelovanje u diskusiji od studenata se traži da se pripreme za dijaloge. Navedene su veze na pouzdane izvore.
Ukoliko student želi formalno iskoristiti prisustvovanje Farskom simpoziju filozofije za obrazovni program, molimo da nas obavijesti.
Volonteri su dobrodošli ..
Stvaranje Simpozija filozofije kao godišnjeg ili dvogodišnjeg događaja s posebnim ciljem poticanja otvorenog dijaloga između vizionara puno je posla, posebno s tako raznolikim programom kao što imamo. Izdanje 2023. je prvo, ali već planiramo izdanje 2024... Jeste li zainteresirani za volontiranje? Javite nam što biste željeli doprinijeti kako biste pomogli ovom događaju da raste i dosegne više ljudi. Ili dođite i pomozite oko priprema u Starom Gradu, ili s radionicama za djecu...! Javite nam ako želite koristiti iskustvo za svoj kurikulum!
Koristite obrazac za kontakt ili poštu da biste nas kontaktirali. vilma@msg.hr
For Students
What makes this three day event so different form other symposia?
Each of the four discourses at the Pharos Philosophy Symposium will be led by a presenting philosopher. They will present their topic, outlined in the abstracts below, after which there will be open dialogue. The three questions provided with each abstract are the means for participants to prepare for the discussion in advance. Links to reliable sources are provided. Before arrival at the Pharos Philosophy Symposium, participants are requested to prepare well for the four discourses. This will ensure greater interaction and a higher level of discourse.
If a student wishes to use the attendance to the Pharos Philosophy Symposium in a formal way for the educational program, please inform us.
Students who wish to engage in the open dialogue with the attending philosophers may register with an email to vilma matulic (vilma@msg.hr) museum stari grad upon details will be returned. These students will receive vouchers for restaurants, information about Stari Grad, free publications from the Stari Grad Museum.
Let us know if you like to use the experience for your curriculum!
Volunteers are welcome ..
Creating the Pharos Philosophy Symposium as an annual or bi-annual event with its specific aim to foster Open Dialogue between visionaries is a lot of work, especially with such a diverse program. The 2023 edition is the first, but we are already planning the 2024 edition ...
Are you interested in being a volunteer?
Let us know what you would like to contribute to help this event grow and reach more people. Or come and help with the preparations in Stari Grad or with the workshops for children ...!
Let us know if you like to use the experience for your curriculum!
Please mail to vilma@msg.hr